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FES Photo Gallery for the 2023-2024 School Year

There are many exciting events that take place at Fairview Elementary. The galleries below capture some of the activities at FES. A special thanks to the Good New Ambassador for contributing photos. 

Check out photo galleries from previous school years:

Meet and Greet

teacher and student on the FES track
SRO with two students on the basketball court
principal murray and vice principal butler
two female teachers smiling
female teacher and girl student smiling
two teachers and a student smiling
mom and student with arms around each others shoulders
family smiling in a grassy field
two girls with a gold 4 balloon
boy with a gold 5 balloon
teacher and girl student smiling
SRO and student giving a thumbs up
librarian and student smiling
principal murray and girl student smiling
group of 4 boys lifting each other up and laughing
girl in pink shirt smiling
teacher and girl student on the FES track
mom, boy student and two teachers smiling
mom and boy student on a wheelchair
family in the FES grassy field

First Day of School

mom and student smiling while walking into school
students in front of Welcome back hawks sign
mom and daughter walking into school
mom and girl student under a rainbow umbrella
mom and daughter walking into school
two girls with their arms around each other
two students in front of FES
principal murray with two girl students
boy student wearing a backpack smiling
mom with two students on the sidewalk
dad, service dog and two students smiling
family in front of FES
girl in yellow shirt smiling
two students in front of FES
girl smiling in front of the school bus
two girls smiling in front of the school bus
three students smiling in front of the school bus
principal murray and a girl in a pink coat
smiling girl walking on the sidewalk

Career Day

student in front of what I want to be when I grow up sign
student in front of what I want to be when I grow up sign
student in front of what I want to be when I grow up sign
student in front of what I want to be when I grow up sign
student in front of what I want to be when I grow up sign
student in front of what I want to be when I grow up sign
student in front of what I want to be when I grow up sign
student in front of what I want to be when I grow up sign
student in front of what I want to be when I grow up sign
student in front of what I want to be when I grow up sign
student in front of what I want to be when I grow up sign
student in front of what I want to be when I grow up sign

Hot Chocolate Reward

students at a table with hot chocolate cups
students at a table with hot chocolate cups
students at a table with hot chocolate cups
students at a table with hot chocolate cups
students at a table with hot chocolate cups
students at a table with hot chocolate cups
students at a table with hot chocolate cups
students at a table with hot chocolate cups
students at a table with hot chocolate cups
students at a table with hot chocolate cups
students at a table with hot chocolate cups
teacher and student smiling
students at a table with hot chocolate cups
students at a table with hot chocolate cups

Learning About Coins

boy smiling at desk with fake money
boy looking at coin
boy looking at coin
two students examining coins
two boys smiling at desk
girl smiling at desk
girl smiling at desk

Green Eggs & Ham

Spelling Bee

girl on stage speaking into microphone
boy on stage with other students sitting behind him
girl smiling
large group of students smiling
two students with trophies

Holiday Fun

student in red outfit against snowflake backdrop
girl in red outfit against snowflake backdrop
large group of students and teacher
large group of students
students in holiday outfits
girl in holiday outfit
students in holiday outfits
two students smiling
three girls smiling
three students smiling
three students smiling
teachers in holiday outfits
students in holiday outfits
student in holiday outfit
three students in holiday outfits

100th Day of School

two boys with mustaches and hats
boy in blue shirt
boy with suspenders and bow tie
girl with big sign that reads 100th day
boy with pizza in a pizza box
boy in a black shirt
girl with yellow 100 sign
boy in hat
group of students dressed as 100 year olds
group of students dressed as 100 year olds