School Counseling
At Fairview Elementary, Our School Counseling Program will provide a safe learning environment for each student in areas of academic, career, and social/emotional development by using the American School Counseling Association National School Counseling Standards and The Tennessee School Counseling Model in partnership with the community to prepare all students to become independent lifelong learners and responsible, caring citizens. Below, you can find more information about how we see students and the content we cover for the school year.
Stop and Think
A Fairview Elementary school counselor is encouraging her students to stop and think, and the district is encouraging others to embrace the concept as well.
Fairview Elementary School's Programs and Strategies
Our school counselor and staff will utilize and teach the 7 Habits of Happy Kids (grades K-2) and 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens (grades 3-5) school wide to establish leadership qualities in all students:
For K-2:
- Understand the difference between telling and tattling.
- How to make friends: What I want in a friend, what to do when a friend is not being friendly, friends get help for friends, and friends and caring acts of kindness.
For 3-5:
- Teach the concept of bullying, rules for bully proofing the classroom, practicing strategies for victims, teaching strategies for helpers.
- Practicing strategies for helpers, and teaching strategies for the victim.
For stakeholders:
- Remind students and teachers of the reporting process to the school counselor.
- Remind parents of the process to contact school counselor for bullying concerns.
- Maintain open communication with administrators.