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Fairview Elementary Staff Directory

Faculty and staff are listed below. To find a particular faculty or staff member type their name and/or title and click search. You may select the page numbers at the bottom to move through the list. You may also type in a department name in the title drop-down menu to see a list of faculty and staff or to search for someone in a particular department. If you have any questions, please contact our front office at 615-472-4380.

1 2 3 4 > showing 1 - 20 of 71 constituents

Ferdelina Adams

Special Education Teacher Assistant

Iris Ayala

Special Education Teacher Assistant

Lauren Barker


Christopher Biank

Teacher - Music

Rita Binkley

Teacher Assistant

Faith Brown

Teacher - Elementary

Tamela Burwell

Assistant Principal - Elementary

Dana Buttrey

School Generalist

Whitney Chambers

School Counselor - Elementary/Middle

Charlene Chapman

Assistant Principal - Elementary

Rachel Cherry

Teacher - Physical Education

Candace Cockrell

Teacher - Elementary

Kathy Cole

Special Education Teacher Assistant

Carrie Collum

Teacher - Elementary

Carrie Cooper

Literacy Coach

Juliann Cottone

Teacher - Art

Rita Craig

Teacher - Interventionist

Virginia Dohmen

School Counselor - Elementary/Middle

Nancy Donegan

Teacher - Elementary

Katherine Dye

School Nurse